Madeira 051CMX4W E-ZEE CMX Backing by meters

Madeira 051CMX4W E-ZEE CMX Backing by meters

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Madeira 051CMX4W E-ZEE CMX Backing 40g For Light, Medium and Heavy woven materials - White 90cm width

حشوة مناسبة للأقمشة الخفيفة الى المتوسطة ، تناسب القمصان الجينز ، ملابس الأطفال

CMX is a high-quality, puncture-resistant wet fleece. Manufacture using the wet fleece process enables the fibers to be aligned and distributed regularly. Due to this manufacturing process, CMX is characterized by its uniform stability and a pleasantly soft character.

• For light, medium and heavy woven materials, such as shirts, silk, denim or children‘s clothing

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